Stress Free After Breakout
Your parting with former lover result in protracted agony prolonged stress also. You should get up and go back to live. These tips:
The first time you have to do is accept the decision already made. When deciding separated, and former lover You must have been through a lot and has many judgments phase. To accept the situation.
Keep your distance
It is not intended to sever the ties silaturahmi. But after the break, you should keep a distance and first lover.
Your emotional state and he has not been stable. Do not get meetings is not necessary and thus make your ex will regret the decision later.
Stop blaming
Emotional state will continue uninterrupted if you continue to discuss the former offense or offenses yourself. Never again fixated on the past. If indeed you do have errors in past relationships, do not blame yourself anymore. Adjust yourself to run a successful relationship in the future.
Enjoy the solitude
Do not be in a hurry to start a new relationship. Do not even start the relationship for cause loneliness. Try to enjoy solitude in advance. It's time you enjoy your time with friends family. Rush into a new relationship has thus enlarge your risk repeating the same mistakes.
Do not revenge
Revenge is one sign that you're not willing to let the former. After all, the purpose of revenge will only hurt yourself. Strive to make ex jealous and so will only make you more grief protracted.
Conduct hobby
If ever you run out of time alone with couples only, this is the time to do the things that you love without thinking about feelings. You can bike, dive, or just spend time in the shopping center to release stress.
Be grateful
This may sound strange, but rest assured that the separation may be best for you and the former for now. As has been written on the first point, the decision is not separated from hasty decisions, but already thought out. This separation is only possible way to get a better one.
However, the separation should not be a ground to withdraw from social life. Separation is also not a reason to "sell out" themselves to anyone that you find interesting. Believe me, all things happen for a reason. If you feel this separation was very painful, rest assured, time will heal your feelings. Good luck! JJJ